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Toni Federici
Mar 16, 20233 min read
"How Medical Intuition Can Support Female Patients when Doctors Don't Listen or Believe Them"
I was in pain and not crazy; it took you 10 minutes without even asking me anything about my history to validate my pain and diagnosis!"
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Toni Federici
Jan 3, 20235 min read
Everything happens for a reason
As I sat in my car, I heard the surgeon tell me words I was not quite comprehending. Pathology report, very rare, carcinoid, nuclear medici
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Toni Federici
Nov 3, 20223 min read
The wisdom of the universe
"instead of driving home, I went to pick up a friend. We were driving around in the snow when I lost control of my car and flipped it"
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Toni Federici
Oct 17, 20221 min read
That's not what I thought he meant
I thought we were continuing with messages about their new home when the expression "like putting lipstick on a pig" popped into my head.
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Toni Federici
May 11, 20222 min read
Just say what comes to mind
I would meditate hard!! I'd arrive at my office at least a half-hour early and write down any images that came to me.
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Toni Federici
Aug 27, 20213 min read
I love my new tail!!
He complained that he was not allowed to do certain things when they were in CA, like steal his other owner, Rachael's makeup sponges
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Toni Federici
Aug 20, 20212 min read
"That's me".
I felt a man next to me; I turned to my left to find nobody standing there. I hear him greet us (the table.) He starts talking about the wei
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Toni Federici
Aug 13, 20212 min read
Psychic Charades
I tell her I am seeing a Marine, she say "yes! My Dad was a Marine!" I knew there was still a date that we needed to uncover. I asked her "w
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Toni Federici
Aug 5, 20212 min read
I'll take all the help I can get!
I had two lovely ladies come to me for readings today. I have a comfy but small office, and my clients sit about seven feet away from me...
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Toni Federici
Jul 16, 20213 min read
Everyone is psychic, yes, everyone...even you.
if someone pops into your mind out of the blue, and there is no specific reason like you are looking through photos or special dates are com
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Toni Federici
Jul 9, 20213 min read
What's your energy signature?
I did my first Facebook Live last night! I was nervous but felt better when a few people joined in and asked questions. One of the...
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Toni Federici
Jul 2, 20214 min read
You can't do this, she's too far away!
I've always been obsessed with psychic mediums. I watched all the shows when I was younger, Beyond with James Van Praagh, John Edward,...
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Toni Federici
Jun 25, 20213 min read
13 things to know before your next reading!
The first question I always ask people who come for a reading with me is "Have you ever done this before?" I'd guess it's pretty much a...
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Toni Federici
Jun 18, 20212 min read
"Can they still see or hear me?"
Some of the questions I get asked most frequently are; "Do they know what I am doing?", "Can they still see or hear me?", "Are they still...
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Toni Federici
Jun 11, 20214 min read
But is it really all in my mind?
You know the expression "Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life."? That's how I feel about readings...especially...
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Toni Federici
Jun 4, 20212 min read
Who was Mom's favorite daughter?
A few years ago I did a reading at a private residence with two couples. It was with two brothers and their wives. The couples were...
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Toni Federici
May 28, 20213 min read
Don't talk to me, I don't believe you, I don't trust you.
One of the things that really convince people that a psychic medium is the real deal is information that comes through that only the...
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Toni Federici
May 21, 20213 min read
Did you do that?!
As everybody knows, starting in March of 2020 we all had to learn to navigate dealing with Covid. My husband and I have a lovely office...
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Toni Federici
May 14, 20211 min read
I don't know why I'm wife sent me
I was doing a public event where people had previously scheduled appointments for readings. A gentleman walks in and says "I don't know...
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Toni Federici
May 7, 20212 min read
Mom always knows best
I tend to wear a lot of black. It's my default color. One Christmas we were at my parent's house in Maine and my beautifully dressed,...
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